Thursday, April 27, 2006

Preventing ailments of the heart: More dry fruits, less salt & regular exercise

If you cut down on your daily intake of salt [or sodium] than it reduces the risk of heart diseases. It will lessen the risk of heart attack/cardiac arrest.

One should stay away from liquor. It will be another good move if you want to avoid heart disease. Weight should be cut down and regular exercise is a good idea.

Almonds should be eaten every alternate day. Consumption of a few walnuts is also advisable. In fact, the consumption of dry fruits reduces the risk to heart. 

Pistachio, Cashewnuts i.e. Kaju should be eaten regularly. They make the heart strong. As goes the famous Urdu saying that Badaam aur Akhrot se dil ke marz ka khatra kaam hota hai.